目前分類:歌詞 (126)

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我和你啊 存在一種 危險關係
彼此挾持 這另一部分 的自已
本以為這完整了 愛的定義

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Welcome To My Word

好像在頭痛 像一隻可憐流浪狗 滿街不停走 還要被人笑我
真的沒有用 老天都不幫幫我 有誰能聽見 有誰能聽見

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Midnight gettin uptight where are you
You said youd meet me now its quarter to two
I know Im hangin but Im still wantin you

Hey jack its a fact theyre talkin in town

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他是誰 沒有姓名沒有性別 他是誰 連吻別也吻得那麼完美
他是誰 給我翅膀不讓我飛 他愛誰 愛上了誰又離開了誰

愛是磁鐵愛是潮水愛風花雪月 愛一千零一夜愛是第一眼就過了一萬年

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在東京鐵塔 第一次眺望
看燈火模仿 墜落的星光
我終於到達 但卻更悲傷
一個人完成 我們的夢想

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It's only love
It's only love

Moshimo negai hitotsudake kanaunara
Kimi no sobade nemurasete

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這張專輯其實我有買,而且開始認識Craig David是蠻神奇的一件事。



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No sleep
No sleep until I am done with finding the answer
Won't stop
Won't stop before I find a cure for this cancer

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Hide your face forever
dream and search forever

Have you ever been for sale ?
when your isms get smart

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I'm bringin' sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act!
I think it's special what's behind your back.
So turn around and I'll pick up the slack!
(Take em' to the bridge!)

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Yo man) Yo (呦!老兄) 呦!
(Open up man) What do you want man? (開門 呀,老兄)你怎麼了?
(My girl just caught me) You let her catch you?(我被我女朋友抓包了) 你被她抓包?
(I don't know how I let this happen) With who?(我不知道我怎會讓它發生) 跟誰?
(The girl next door, you know?) Man... (隔壁那個美眉)ㄡ~

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Ayer conocí un cielo sin sol
y un hombre sin suelo
un santo en prisión
y una canción triste sin dueño
ya he ya he ya la he

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Lucky you were born that far away so
So we could both make fun of distance
Lucky that I love a foreign land for
The lucky fact of your existence
Baby I would climb the Andes solely

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Psychic spies from China
Try to steal your mind's elation
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams

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是不是否我 隱藏起我的感動 或許剃光頭 比較適合我敲鐘
是不是否我 已經完成我的夢 到底有沒有 也已經麻痺了我
是不是否我 只跟自己同一國 滿足又自卑 像一坨蛆在蠕動
是不是否我 畫著別人的輪廓 到底有沒有 自由飛翔的天空

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旅立(たびだ)つけどlooking in the rear view mirror
I got you here 少(すこ)しだけclearer

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rushing and racing and running in circles
moving so fast I'm forgetting my purpose
blur of the traffic is sending me spinning
getting nowhere

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